Cream Can Supper

A Prairie version of a New England Clam Bake.
Please join Farmer Jim as his culinary dream of reliving his favorite childhood memory
of attending a Cream Can Supper materializes.
Colorado Steak Dinner

Join us at the table at Grace Hill Farmette for a multi-coursed farm to table dining experience prepared over open flame. Mountain View Ranch’s steaks take on the flavor
of a true “Cowboy Cookout” while enjoying the country beauty of Colorado.
Farewell to Summer

Let’s celebrate the end of the season with a delicious Farm To Table dinner, highlighting all the ingredients that are restoring our land and communities.
Oktoberfest at Grace Hill

Join us this October as we celebrate the rich culinary traditions of Germany! Our table will be brimming with delicious Bratwurst, authentic German Potato Salad, Schnitzel, Spaetzle, and, of course, Apple Strudel
Aliquam ac suscipit

Mauris lobortis vel lorem ac faucibus. Sed sed mauris tellus. Nunc magna lacus, mattis vitae magna vel, semper rhoncus eros.
Sed congue euismod turpis

Nunc ornare tellus id aliquet mollis. Vivamus sapien justo, malesuada quis libero a, gravida placerat nunc. Nunc eu eros sit amet tellus mollis convallis.